Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Something new to practice while swimming

This afternoon I rode for two hours.

Then I had a Fudd's Half-pound burger, cheesy fries, and a beer for supper.

Then I swam for 2500 meters.

As I type this, my stomach doesn't feel that great. You are probably thinking, "Ha! Bet you regret that burger?" Actually, no. I blame all the salt water I ingested at the pool. This does give rise to a new skill that I am considering developing -- perfect swimming hydration.

Running or biking I lose very close to 1 liter per hour. I assume that swimming is very close to the same. In the interest of coming out of the lake fully hydrated, I think I should start practicing ingesting lake water at the rate of 1 liter/hour. I already drink a ton of the damn stuff anyway, what if I could regulate the consumption rate? To accomplish this I will weight before and after swimming. The goal, of course, is to come out at precisely the same weight that you go in -- perfect hydration. I think this will take a lot of practice. I wonder how Simon Whitlfield learned to do this?

I am kidding. Well, sort of.

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