I really like De Soto gear so I bought a pair of running shorts (bringing my total to three pair that I really like). I like my De Soto tri-shorts (I have 3 pair) but they are all the low-rise version and for certain applications, like riding at the Fieldhouse, I feel like my butt crack is sticking out. So I also bought a pair of traditional fit tri-shorts.
I bought new Adidas Adistars last week (the only runners I have ever had and I think these must be my 8th pair?). Today I tried on and treadmill tested several pair of shoes that are between the Adistar and Racing Flats. After some contemplation I have decided to pass on that option. I think my running career is nearing an end. I have always been happy and healthy in my current style of shoe. Now is not the time to change.
The only things I am now missing is my 2010 racing shirt. Last year I did all my races in my blue Lululemon shirt. I love that shirt. I reserved it for race days. For this year, I would like a new race day shirt and the search is on. What I would really like is a shirt like this one, except in an appropriate running fabric:

And, as a final preparation, I had a pedicure today. The old talons were feeling pretty beaten up. Getting them sanded and smoothing seemed like a good idea.


Smooth like butter.
OK... time to go swimming. This will the first time in at least three months that I have completed four consecutive days of planned training.
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