Friday, May 21, 2010

9 days to the Sask Marathon and I am doing the wrong things...

Ran today. 2 x 5 km at 4:50/minute. It was a good run. The intervals were easy. My heart rate stayed below 150/minute but I am not feeling very good.

I have been working on getting more sleep and it's working -- I do not feel nearly as fatigued as I did.

I have done the training. I am way ahead of where I was in Las Vegas in December.

So why be negative? Real or imagined my left flip has flared up. It does not bother me when I am running. But, real or imagined, it seems a lot worse. I am thinking some very negative thoughts. I am focusing on failure instead of success. The worse thing is that I KNOW I am doing this and I still can't stop myself from spending too much time worrying about my hip and not enough time visualizing success.

I am going to spend some quality time in the next eight days in quiet contemplation of success. I need to get my mental state turned around or one of two things will happen - (1) The May 30th run will be REALLY hard; or (2) I will not succeed.

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